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PHYSICAL FEATURES: The Savannah cat is a spotted cat that is long in length with a lean body type. They have triangular faces with upright large rounded cars. Eyes are shaped like boomerangs and they are known for their giraffe like neck.

PERSONALITY: Savannahs are very playful, confident and curious cats, that love getting into everything. They are extremely affectionato and enjoy giving headbutts when they are happy. A Savannah will bond for life. Your furry pal will also follow you around the house. Well socialized Savannahs are friendly to almost everyone


DIET: All of our Savannahs eat a balanced raw diet of raw ground chicken, which is composed of, 80% muscle meat, 10% organ and 10% ground bone, along with a high protein kibble. We personally recommend Royal Canin Kitten. Higher Generations Savannahs (F1 F3) are required to have raw in their diet. They also can be fed a small whole proy diet of, chicks, mice, quail, rabbit, otc. It desired. Some Lower Generation (SBT) Savannahs also enjoy a whole prey treat every once in a while. Feeding raw is not required in an SBT kittens dict, it is a choice.


SOME BENEFITS OF FEEDING RAW ARE: Improved digestion Healthier skin/coat Stronger immune system Faster healing Decreased chance of disease, etc.



F1 Savannahs have a Serval parent (father) and a SBT parent (mother).


F2 Savannahs have a Fl parent (mother) and a SBT parent (father).


F3 Savannahs have a F2 parent (mother) and a SBT parent (father).



F4 (SBT)

F4 Savannans have a F3 parent (mother) and a SBT parent (father)


F5 Savannahs have a Fe parent (mother) and a SBT parent (father).

F6 (SBT)

F6 Savannahs have a F5 parent (mother) and a SBT parent (father).


SBT (stud book traditional) starts at F4 and can go up to F9


TYPES OF COLOURS/COATS: Savannahs can range from all different types of colours, coats and patterns. Some are more sought after than others.

STANDARDS:  Gold Silver Brown Molanistic Smoke

NON-STANDARDS: Cinnamon Blue Snow

NON-STANDARD TRAITS Blue eyes Marble Servaline Long hair

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